Iluminación y lámparas de colección

What Are Some Tips For Taking Care Of Antique Lamps And Lighting?

Properly taking care of lamps, sconces, and lanterns extends their usable life as well as their beauty as decor. If an old lamp has a burner, then make sure to replace it if it breaks or wears down. Try to match the new burner to the period of the lamp to ensure a proper fit and a longer life. Lamp chimneys are fragile, especially on antique lamps, and if kept in good condition, they add value to the piece. Clean the chimney regularly to prevent uneven heating caused by dust and dirt. When setting up an antique lamp, make sure that the chimney or shade attaches properly. Clean cloudy lamp glass gently with a soft cloth and warm water. You should also occasionally check the lamp's wiring to ensure that it is in good condition.

What Are Some Decorating Tips For Light Fixtures?

Pay close attention to how you position lighting in a room. A good tip is to think of decorative lighting as jewelry for walls and ceilings, choosing the right color, style, and size to improve the space. Match the materials to the overall decor of a room to provide design consistency. For example, choose a metal lamp with a cloth shade for a rustic room or a sleek and slender standing lamp for a modern-style room. Living rooms should have lighting in each corner, as well as light that emphasizes important features, such as chairs, plants, and artwork. Dining rooms should have a bright chandelier or pendant directly over the table, with indirect lighting everywhere else in the room. For a kitchen, focus the attention on overhead lighting that you can turn up while cooking and turn down when done. Go for cozy lighting and lamps in the bedroom, using low lamps on tables and sconces by the bed. For a bathroom, install sconces flanking the mirror and an overhead light above.