Dual 1219 Turntable

97 Results

Tips for Buying Dual Turntables on eBay

If you have ever wanted to enjoy studio-quality music in the comfort of your own home, you can do just that. With eBay's stellar selection of Dual turntable complete models and individual parts, you can buy the parts or a complete turntable.

How do you choose the right Dual model or part?

eBay's impressive selection includes options like individual parts, complete turntables, and bundles of rare finds. Below are some useful things to keep in mind when making your selection:

  • Model - The model of turntable shows what a given part belongs to.
  • Condition - This is whether or not the listing is a used part or one refurbished by a third-party. Some parts were manufactured specifically to function as hardware for repairs and are not originally from a Dual turntable. They function exactly the same, however, and make restorations much easier.
  • Bundles - Some listings offer bundles of parts and pieces. Common items included in bundles are original packaging and manuals, rubber domes, spindles, and dust covers.
  • Complete packages - With used Dual turntables, listings will mention whether or not the complete package retains its full set of functions and features. Even partially functional models are exceptionally valuable considering the brand's age and prestige.
  • Collector's value - The state of a given turntable or replacement part. Original Dual models and parts are considered vintage by collectors, and are very collectible.
Which models of Dual turntables are available on eBay?

Below are some of the models eBay has a selection of replacement parts for, and some of the units are available as complete models as well:

  • Dual 1218
  • Dual 1228
  • Dual 1229
  • Dual 505
  • Dual 1019
Are there individual parts available as well?

eBay has many listings that offer replacement parts for Dual turntables. These parts are refurbished and taken straight from other models, which ensures their compatibility and quality. Here are some of the commonly available parts:

  • Parting knobs
  • Spring sets
  • Cuing arms
  • Dust covers
  • Washers, levers, and inserts
What makes Dual turntables more appealing than other listening options?

Turntables allow you to enjoy vinyl discs, which offer more clear and authentic sound signatures than MP3s. With vinyl, you will enjoy music that is a perfect representation of the artist's original vision. Highs, basslines, and choruses will be more audible than they would otherwise, and lows will have more power as well. Dual turntables take everything wonderful about vinyl listening and cranks things up to eleven, offering a spectacular musical experience.

Turntables also offer features that enhance usability, like automatic speeds and replay functions. These features make the listening experience effortless and relaxing. Dual turntables are considered valuable and highly sought after by collectors and audiophiles.