Gondola Retail Shelving Equipment

Maximize Retail Space With Gondola Shelving Equipment

Creating an effective retail display can be challenging, especially if you have limited space and lots of merchandise to sell. Gondola shelving lets you make the most out of your retail space so that more products are visible. Whether you’re searching for shelving for small items or four-sided displays, you’ll find affordable options to take your sales to the next level when browsing eBay.

What types of products should you purchase?

The type of gondola shelving you use to move traffic through your store will depend on the products you sell. Some pieces suit lightweight merchandise while other units accommodate heavier items. Keep this in mind when shopping for new and used gondola shelving for your store.

  • Aluminum – These fixtures provide heavy-duty support at a low price. Plus, they adjust easily to accommodate merchandise of all sizes.
  • Plastic – Available in a variety of colors, these sturdy shelves are made of injection-molded plastic to prevent bowing. The lightweight structure makes the shelves easy to move, and the round edges give displays a sleek appearance.
  • Steel – This material is strong and durable, making it ideal for displaying heavy items such as cans and bottles.
  • Wire – The open design helps increase airflow and minimizes dirt and dust buildup on display shelves.

Gondola shelving accessories

The way you set up a display can mean the difference between customers stopping to grab an item or passing it by. Sometimes, it’s impractical to display small items on shelves by themselves. In this case, bins, hooks, and dividers can keep items organized on store shelves.

  • Bins: These accessories let you store small bulk items on a shelf or attach them to a gondola wall with clips.
  • Dividers: Available in metal wire or plastic, this accessory helps separate items for a neater appearance. Some dividers come with a front piece for angling the shelf and providing easy access to candy and other impulse items at the checkout counter.
  • Hooks and holders: These let you get creative with displays by suspending items on pegboards. You can hang small items like cold tablets at the top and place bottles of cough medicine below.

Gondola shelving brands

If you’re looking for gondola shelving from trusted manufacturers, check out Quantum, Lozier, and Tegometall. These three companies lead the field in retail shelving options.

  • Quantum offers a large selection of low-priced steel and wire retail display shelves for merchandising and promotions.
  • Lozier is a leading manufacturer of gondola shelving units and fixtures for grocery stores, hardware stores, office supply stores, and pet supply stores.
  • Tegometall manufacturers steel shelving, wall units, and accessories to meet the demands of busy retail stores.