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Photographing With Manual Focus 35mm Film Cameras

Auto focus undoubtedly has its advantages when photographing in certain situations, particularly when capturing fast-moving subjects that you can't accurately focus on using a camera's manual functions. However, there are also times when a camera's AF can be cumbersome and limit your creativity as a photographer. A manual SLR film camera, such as a 35mm Pentax camera, takes photography back to basics and gives you an opportunity to hone your skills while gaining a better understanding of how film cameras actually operate.

What Are the Advantages of Using Manual Focus?

Operating a camera manually allows you to determine the focal point of your image and is particularly useful when capturing up-close scenes that have a multitude of details. Consider a busy street filled with pedestrians or a field of flowers where there is little variation in color, shape, or brightness for the camera to detect a focal point automatically.

  • Architectural photographers often favor manual operation of a camera when capturing geometric patterns or complex lines that may otherwise confuse the camera's AF motor.
  • Macro photography is one of the most common styles where you want to use manual operation, which allows you to select which element of a flower or minute subject is in focus and which part of the image blurs behind. Being able to manually alter the focal point is highly useful in situations where your subject may move slightly due to wind, which can send an AF motor into a frenzy.

What Should You Look for When Buying a Manual Focus Camera?

You can find both point-and-shoot compact 35mm film cameras with manual operations as well as SLR camera bodies that you can pair with a range of different prime and variable focal length lenses. An SLR camera body is going to offer more creative freedom, while a compact camera is a lightweight addition to take with you while traveling or documenting family moments.

  • Some 35mm film and SLR cameras come with a built-in flash, which is a useful addition when shooting in low-light situations or when you want to reduce harsh shadows in your images. Alternatively, you may want to consider an external flash for your camera to achieve more professional results.
  • When buying vintage SLR 35mm camera bodies, always check for any signs of wear and tear, such as damage or scratches on the mirror as well as fungus that may accumulate on the SLR's interior over time.
  • Look for camera bodies that indicate in their product description that they received professional servicing recently, with clean lens optics and camera aperture blades that are operating rapidly.