Samsung Galaxy Core Prime Smartphones
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Average Ratings of all4.6
259 average ratings
- by sheetbendJuly 12, 2016
Better than a Windows Phone, but ...
I finally gave up on the Windows Phone, not because of the phone itself, but because I could never get the horrific mess of Microsoft domains and accounts to properly synch with the device and do the most basic things, such as deliver the mail. Many will be surprised that I strongly believe that the Windows phone has a dramatically superior user interface to the Android devices, but it is clearly the case. I looked at a lot of Android devices before choosing, and this one came the closest to my needs. I wear it in a belt/clip pouch, and it is perfect for that. Battery life is amazing. And, as one always expects from a Samsung product, it is rock solid in its performance. The sound is clear, and the pics are more than good enough (the Microsoft Nokia Lumina was a lot better in the photo department, but the Samsung is good enough). What is still a horrible mess with all smart phones is the quality of the backend services. None of them synch worth a darned, You have to setup all sorts of auto-forwards from your various mailboxes, which causes many messages to be doubled, tripled or worse. Calendar synch is a joke, and that includes all of them, including Apple. But, more things work in the Google/Android and Apple worlds than they do elsewhere, which is faint praise at best. Frankly, they are all a bunch of unreliable crap in this regard. That is not Samsung's fault though. I'm a Samsung fan. My home video setup is pure Samsung and it all integrates and works flawlessly. So I expected the same from the phone. The parts that are under Samsung's control meet that high bar. Nothing on the backend comes even remotely close to meeting those expectations.
Verified purchase:Yes
- by lauraramseyApril 25, 2016
Fantasic Phone
This particular phone made by Samsung is supposed to be their entry-level (base) smartphone. But, I don't see a huge difference between this model and some other much, much, MUCH more expensive models. I suppose it doesn't have the same storage capacity, but it streams data just fine and runs apps with great speed. Even better, the battery life of this phone is 3-4x some other more expensive phones. (really. I don't get that part at all). The voicemail system is great; the sound and graphic quality is great. Texting works as expected, although probably a little smaller than the most really updated smart-phones since THOSE ones are getting so large, they are almost the size of a tablet. This phone still fits in a pocket, does everything it should and holds a charge for days. Love it.
Verified purchase:Yes
- by 6DpMNYx-S5a@DeletedFebruary 24, 2016
Great thin, light weight, phone
This phone is amazing. The phone hold the charge well and I can get home and still have 25%. So not in a rush to charge it. When I purchased a cover for it it really looks fantastic while protected. I have 2 of these phones. One for work and one personal. It really helps with efficiency so every time I use either one its the same maneuvers to get what I need and the phone being so easily to navigate its just a smooth experience. Most of my phone have been Samsung. I really like their phones. Very happy with them! If you like a nice phone but don't want to pay a lot this is it!
Verified purchase:Yes
- by Kxz2zcVpQ_G@DeletedJanuary 26, 2017
perfect size with great features
I can do everything I need to on this phone and it will fit inside my billfold when I don't want to carry a purse. For a guy, this fits comfortably in a shirt pocket or pants pocket. But, the screen is still big enough to see and text. I compared it to my children's phones and although their screens might make the texting a little easier, they can't carry their phones as easily as I can tote this one around. I love it. I think it is the perfect size. If you use the little tricks for power saving, it lasts all day. I just charge it each night. It could do with a little more storage.
Verified purchase:Yes
- by desi6540June 27, 2016
Look forward to version 6 Marshmallow!
Takes good pictures. Android 5.01 on phone. Going to install marshmallow 6.0 on it. Hotspot is on this!! For me, this is a definite plus. Giving this to my 10yr old. As I want constant contact with me. If it gets lost,damaged or stolen I'm not out a lot flog cash. Highly recommended.
Verified purchase:Yes
- by jim.lasvegasJuly 13, 2016
Great Phone!
There are bigger phones, but so what? Who needs all that extra BULK in their pocket? I got rid of my 5" phone and went back to this 4 1/2" phone, and it fits my needs perfectly. It is easy to operate and performs all of it's functions as it should.
Verified purchase:Yes
- by queenettyApril 08, 2017
Good enough
I needed a phone that was inexpensive and worked right now. This fit the budget and I heard good things about the phone. The price was right and the quality was fine for what I do. A basic smartphone is all I need at this time.
Verified purchase:Yes
- by iservejc1978May 20, 2016
Like Phone
I had a flip phone. So, I am still learning how to use this. But, so far I still like it. The pic are very good and easy to post to facebook.
Verified purchase:Yes
- by Uws0RmaAQBW@DeletedDecember 12, 2018
Excellent Experience
Very happy with my purchase. Delivered before expected despite a slight delay due to the holiday. Item was exactly what we were looking for. Thank you.
Verified purchase:Yes
- by frogz89October 05, 2017
awesome phone
this is awesome phone, its a perfect size for my small hands, great battery life and good camera. its a great phone for the price.
Verified purchase:Yes
- by cathy4basketsJanuary 18, 2024
This purchase was a complete waste of money.
Even though the description of this product was "Excellent" when I purchase it, what arrived was a phone with no battery and no back cover. When I went back to the listing it had been changed to "for parts only". Ebay remembered the listing correctly as the request for this review clearly shows the description of the phone as "Excellent". (See below in ebay's own words) ==================================================================== RATE AND REVIEW Samsung Galaxy Core Prime - 8GB - Charcoal Gray (Verizon) SM-G360V Excellent ==================================================================== I am a victim of bait and switch. This purchase was a complete waste of money.
Verified purchase:Yes