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Keep Your Tablet Powered with a Replacement Battery

You won't read a thrilling novel late at night when your Toshiba tablet's battery doesn't retain a full charge. To avoid any computing downtime, a quick solution is to keep a replacement battery on hand. Your tablet or eBook reader gives you advance warnings beforehand so you have plenty of time to purchase a new battery.

How Do You Know When Your Tablet Battery Needs Replaced?

Your goal is to replace your device's battery before it dies altogether. The operating system generally issues warnings that the storage cell capacity is low. You'll also notice when relying on solely the battery that it doesn't last as long as it previously did. Eventually, the OS will issue an alert that you need to replace the battery when the capacity level reaches a critical level. To ensure you receive accurate capacity readings, manufacturers suggest you calibrate the battery every few months using the tablet's power management settings.

How Do You Purchase the Correct Tablet Battery?

  • Model Number: You may know your model name, but you should write down the model number. The company normally prints the number on the side of the tablet near the HDMI external port connector.
  • Serial Number: You may or may not need this number, but it's a good idea to have it. It's normally located on the back cover of your tablet.
  • Battery Number: Before you recycle the battery pack, make sure to write down its ID number. This saves times when purchasing a replacement battery and ensures that the new battery pack is compatible with your Toshiba tablet model. Plus, it's a good idea to keep the old battery before tossing it, so you can compare its shape, size, and other pertinent information with the new one.

How Do You Increase the Tablet Battery's Lifespan?

These components last, on average, at least two years. You may be able to extend its life by keeping the mobile device in environments no hotter than 95 degrees. As lithium-ion batteries are adversely affected by extreme heat conditions, a temperature of 72 degrees is ideal. By keeping the tablet away from excessive heat, you could increase overall battery capacity by as much as 20 to 40 percent. Furthermore, you shouldn't reduce its capacity to less than 50 percent without recharging because it degrades at a quicker rate. Even turning off apps running in the background or shutting down GPS, Wi-Fi, and other functions you aren't using helps extend the battery pack's lifespan.